The director of the carnival comedy Splinterheads, whose people had been cynically piggybacking the most important story of the summer by claiming that Monty the Montauk Monster of Montauk was nothing but a prop for the little flick-and that the origin of the story was the producer's sister-is finally admitting that they lied, lied, LIED! "I'd like to go on record and say our movie 'Splinterheads' has had nothing to do with this Montauk Monster thing. We're shooting a comedy out here in Patchogue-not a horror film. My producer Darren does not have a sister Rachel, but a Rachael Taylor is starring in the film." But even this admission is a little fishy, as it's all put on the shoulders of some anonymous teenager.

"WOW!!! Montauk Monster?! CNN? Fox News? Gawker? Gothamist? It's amazing what a quick thinking 16 year old entrepreneur can do. Here's what happened-Newsday does an article about our film (which is shooting near Montauk). Montauk Monster story breaks, kid steals some of our graphics, sets up a fake official Splinterheads website, makes up some names and voila - a national story." [SersenPark]

I'd be pissed as all hell, but Lea Thompson is in the movie. And I'm powerless in the face of her dreaminess.