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In the worst news to befall a local chihuahua since Disney cut loose with its trailers for the Beverly Hills breed, we hear today that American Apparel kingpin Dov Charney has lost his dog. Again. Or perhaps the pooch is still missing from that troubling time in April. In any case, Charney appears to finally be getting serious about finding and keeping poor little HedKayce close by — or at least about selling dog shirts. After the jump, find the enlarged billboard photo and a memo scattered far and wide by the inspired guerrilla marketers search party:

The Silver Lake and Echo Park area was slammed with flyers this weekend showing this dog, pictured above. And if flyers were not enough, two billboards, back-to-back, at Sunset and Alvarado featured the cute dog asking anyone who has seen it or has found it to contact the owner. ... One of the flyers read: "Her Name is Hedkayce. I have had her for 10 years. She weighs 10lbs and has a scar on the left side of her face. She was left in the front yard of my home at 1809 Apex Ave. (Silverlake [sic] area). Please call at 213-923-7493 (cell) or my assistant Maria at 213-923-0616. ~ Dov Charney"

Or stay gone, HedKayce, and maybe George Lopez will voice you in the upcoming movie of the week. Either way, you're set.