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We should start off by saying that Lauren Bush is our favorite member of the Bush family. In fact, sometimes we forget that her uncle is the President, and what could be a greater compliment than that? She even deserves credit for dating David Lauren. Hooking up with a billionaire heir is rarely a commendable act, but since her relationship with Ralph's son is clearly a source of angst for the rest of the Bush clan—possibly because he's a decade older, Jewish, leans Democratic, or all three—it works in her favor. So it's with love and respect that we share the one thing about Lauren that we're decidedly less impressed with: Those burlap FEED bags she's been shlepping to every event she's attended for more than a year now.

Needless to say, it benefits a very good cause. (About half of the proceeds from sales of the bags goes to the U.N's World Food Program.) Yes, her efforts feeding starving kids in Africa may very well mean she's done more good for humanity than any other Bush in history. But isn't there something else she can wear over her shoulder to raise awareness for the cause (and help her sleep at night)?

Last week, Bush attended the UNICEF Snowflake Ball with what seemed to be a new accessory. Except it wasn't! It was one of her regular FEED bags that had just taken on a new shape. "It actually used to be a tote but I made it into a little clutch," she told the Observer. We're thinking it's high time David sends someone from the Ralph Lauren design team to help LB come up with something new. As Ralph himself can attest, reinventing yourself every few years is essential. And we hear "change" is a pretty popular buzzword these days, too!