Mary-Kate Olsen WINS. Twice law-enforcement authorities have tried pressuring the dopey lil' actress into telling what she knows about the death of close personal friend Heath Ledger, and twice now she has successfully beaten them back — the only person connected to Ledger to successfully do so. Federal sources told first the Daily News and now the Post that U.S. prosecutors have withdrawn their investigation into the death of actor Ledger, forcing the Drug Enforcement Administration to drop demands to interview Olsen. That's a fairly humiliating retreat for an agency that just two days ago implied it would use a Grand Jury subpoena to force Olsen to tell what she knows after word leaked of frustration in its offices over Olsen's demands for immunity. Especially because the feds really did have a subpoena. Reports the News:

Prosecutors had kept an April 23 subpoena up their sleeves as they tried to convince Olsen to voluntarily speak with federal drug agents still probing Ledger's January overdose, the source said.

...The U.S. Attorney of the Southern District decided not to serve Olsen with a subpoena, the source said.

The Post is not happy, saying "twin troll" Olsen has been "given another free pass." But actually she earned that pass — with a smart PR strategy of just-sweeping-enough public denials coupled with a refusal to meet with the narcs privately. With cynicism about the federal security apparatus as high as it is right now, it's hard to imagine what's left of Olsen's fan base holding that against her.