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Uncle Jesse would be very disappointed: according to the New York Post, Mary-Kate Olsen is refusing to speak (wait, they talk?) with federal investigators looking into the death of Heath Ledger — that is, until she receives immunity from prosecution. It seems the feds are making inquiries to determine when and from who Ledger obtained the drugs that may have led to his death, and Olsen (who, as you'll recall, was the first person called when Ledger's masseuse discovered the body) is the only one who isn't talking:

[A source] added, "Everyone has been very eager to help, saying what a great guy Heath Ledger was, everyone except Mary-Kate, who has refused to speak."

That source explained that Olsen would be the final witness they need to conclude their investigation into where he got his drugs and medicines.

Fortunately, Olsen can point to her sterling acting record as of late: playing a stoner in both Weeds and The Wackness. Uh-oh. M-K, it may be time to beat a hasty retreat, Kimmy Gibler-style — or, failing that, might we suggest a hilarious mistaken identity comedy involving Ashley, the Big House, and an affectionate cellmate named Big Bertha?

[Photo Credit: AP]