Republicans Hate Celebrities So Much That They Keep Electing Them

If there's one class of people that consistently draws the ire of the Republican party, it's celebrities. Perhaps mindful of the fact that all the cool kids in Hollywood vote Democrat, the GOP is forever on the attack against celebrities, their political views, and all they represent, and John McCain's attention-getting "Celebrity" ad is just the latest example. Yessir, there's nothing the Republican party hates more than celebrities.
Oh wait, THEY TOTALLY DON'T, because they keep running them for office all the freakin' time. A guided tour of the GOP's celebrity worship, after the jump:
"George Clooney is a rich guy who doesn't hold the slightest clue about how average Americans go about their daily lives." - Rush Limbaugh

Above: Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, who made $25 million to play Mr. Freeze in Batman & Robin, is sworn in for his second term as governor of California.
"Now, [Sean] Penn can say whatever he wants, and we invite him on this program to sit in the 'Hot Seat' and defend his outlandish comments. But, the real question is who does this guy speak for, who does he represent other than other bad actors." - Sean Hannity

Above: Republican president Ronald Reagan feeds a monkey using a baby bottle in Bedtime for Bonzo.
"If you scratch the surface of Barbra Streisand’s or Susan Sarandon’s views, there is little inner core to them. The biggest echo chamber around is the Hollywood echo chamber." - Laura Ingraham

Above: Republican Fred Thompson, who played a crusty old man once on Law & Order, announces his presidential candidacy on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
"The real joke was PFAW’s ceremony itself, dubbed the “Spirit of Liberty Awards,” which honored Hollyweird blowhards Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon." - Michelle Malkin

Above: Republican Fred Grandy was elected to Congress in 1986, serving Iowa for eight years. He is best known for playing "Gopher" on The Love Boat.