The magazine industry cares about the environment. They promise. For example, did you know that magazines can be recycled? Just put them right there in the recycling bins and feel the satisfaction! The industry is even running a campaign to urge you all to "Please Recycle This Magazine" after you read it (though I choose to recycle Entertainment Weekly before I read it). But are the biggest publishing companies themselves living up to these lofty recycling standards? One possibly soon-to-be-fired Conde Nast insider says hell no! Conde Nast Portfolio media blogger Jeff Bercovici says in a post about the green campaign:

At a certain major magazine publisher — because I work there, I won't reveal its name other than to say it makes up the first two words in the name of my magazine — it's an open secret that the ubiquitous blue recycling bins actually get emptied into the trash. I'm still waiting to hear back from a spokeswoman about just why it is this company, which is known for lavishing money on its top editors and executives in the form of clothing allowances and no-interest loans, and which always has a line of Town Cars idling outside its 43rd Street entrance, can't seem to find a way to recycle the tons upon tons of paper it discards every year, as its two main competitors, Hearst and Time Inc., already do. And seeing as this company is a member of MPA, and thus a de facto sponsor of its "Please Recycle This Magazine" campaign, it would seem just a tad hypocritical not to address this matter in short order.

Ha, Jeff are you feeling salty or what? It's a heartening thing. That man is due for either a pat on the back or a Krucoff-like dismissal. We hope the former! Then in the comments, News Corp. stands accused of the same crime by and anonymous troublemaker:

This is also true of the blue buckets in News Corp's NYC HQ. Employees can separate to their hearts' content, the building's owner throws it all together.

Anybody else have info on their big famous publishing company's environmental hypocrisy? Email us. (Gawker Media has not used a sheet of paper since 2005). [Mixed Media]