Attention-starved ring wraith Ann Coulter called (allegedly?) philandering former Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards "faggy" today. Oh, Ann, you really, really are a chore. And I've seen the species of sweaty-collared, ham-faced males you've fawned all over at Langan's, you wearying length of gristle.

"Ann Coulter is after John Edwards again. Despite the fact that Edwards is married and allegedly having an affair, Coulter seems convinced that he is a 'fag.'

"I just think John Edwards is an incredibly creepy individual and the very definition of faggy," Coulter said on Newsradio 850 KOA.

The show's host, Jon Caldara, posed this question:

"Can't [Edwards] also make it very clear that you use the adjective 'faggy,' but he's got a wife and a mistress; how much more does he have to prove to you that he's not faggy?"

Coulter didn't answer.

This isn't the first time that crazy Ann has attacked Edwards calling him a fag.

In 2007, Coulter said you "can't really talk about" Edwards because "you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot.' " [GaySocialites]