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So earlier this week we suggested tween queen of homemade kiddie porn Miley Cyrus just may have been inspired by a former teen queen of homemade, visually intoxicated porn. And, sordid as it may be, much of the Hannah Montana star's fame outside of the flyover states is quite possibly due to all those "scandalous" photos that keep popping up. Which is a good thing in the world of "All press is...", right? And here to provide some guidance in answering that question are established troublemaker and pot princess Mischa Barton and future troublemaker Hayden Panettiere.
In the span of two days, Nylon magazine released photos from their August cover star missing various amounts of clothing, while Candies-ad girl Hayden just posed for some provocative (for an 18-year old, at least) pics in order to promote her upcoming pop album. Yes, that sweet sweaty smell of exploitation filling your nostrils? Once again, thank Lindsay Lohan. A closer look at all four naughty girls and their dirty pictures, after the jump:

Though the Nylon spread is admittedly gorgeous, the uncanny resemblance between these topless shots and Lindsay's myriad "artful" topless, backless, panty-less photos is pretty clear. Even Gwyneth caught on to the secret backbone-baring method towards stardom back in her call girl days.

And as for Hayden, who's already learned what a little cheerleader's uniform can do for her growing group of male fans, decides to go one step further and just pull a Miley by showing her tummy off to all interested parties. Counting down the seconds until either a bare back or, more likely, the highly effective full-frontal appears in a glossy. And yes, it's probably a matter of seconds.