♦ The Rachel Maddow publicity machine rolls on (not that we mind, of course): According to today's Times, she's a "fresh face," MSNBC execs adore her, and her show's ratings have defied all expectations. [NYT]
♦ For reasons we will never understand, Fox & Friends is now more popular than CNN's American Morning and MSNBC's Morning Joe combined. [LAT]
♦ Sarah Palin will sit down with Brian Williams tomorrow. [TVNewser]

♦ The number of newspapers that backed Bush in 2004 that are now supporting Obama: 26. [E&P]
♦ Is Matt Drudge over? [Jossip]
♦ A New York Times reporter is in hot water for twisting a story around to make it about the economic crisis. [Gawker]
♦ NBC has picked up Knight Rider for a full season. [THR]
AdAge: When Condé Nast stops hiring, you know the economy is in serious trouble. [AdAge]
♦ Primedia co-founder Bill Reilly has died. [Folio]