Ladies, Ask for "Tron's" Happy Ending Massage at Cornelia Spa

Remember that episode of Sex and the City when two women tip Samantha off to a great new male masseuse, who does special things not typically included in your standard massage? (When she finally goes to him, he refuses to "perform" and she gets him in trouble, which enrages the other women—"Who's going to fuck me now?!") Well! Turns out this situation is not an urban myth. Tango, the magazine about relationships, investigates: "'It's such a well-known thing for guys, and women are finally getting more comfortable asking for it,' said Anna, a self-described 'massage healer' who has worked at several upscale spas and performed happy endings on female customers." Huh. After the jump—the spas in question.
Hot spots, according to the article: the ancient Russian & Turkish Baths on E. 10th Street:
"At first you're on your stomach, so they're just massaging your back," said Trish, a 29-year-old marketing manager who frequents the Baths. "Then they turn you over, and [my masseur] started massaging my breasts. My nipples got erect, so that must have sent him a signal. He started rubbing me on the pressure points around my hips. I was wearing bikini bottoms, and he never actually touched my clitoris or vagina; it was just all around the area. I did [have an orgasm]; afterwards, people kept stopping me on the street to say, ‘Oh my God, you're glowing.'"
The article reports that the boys of the Mandarin Oriental won't give naughty massages per se, but they have something called the "Vitality Room, which includes "pleasure jets." But the holy grail of naughty massages for girls is apparently the Cornelia:
"Then Joanna got a tip in the Mandarin's plush relaxation room. "I started chatting with this woman in her mid-thirties, who looked like she went to spas all the time," she said. "When I mentioned I was going to another spa tomorrow, she told me ‘Oh, you have to go to Cornelia. You should ask for Tron [definitely not his real name]; he's fantastic.' Her voice did not sound like she was describing a massage."
Once at the Cornelia with "Tron,":
Kissing turned to heavy petting with a strong dose of grinding, until he was on top of her on the massage table. Joanna recalls the make-out session as being totally comfortable-at one point, they both started laughing-but after the first few minutes, she broke away, saying, "I'm sorry, this is so inappropriate." His response: "Sweetie, you are my reward for the two men who asked me for happy endings earlier today. I told them no-but for you, I won't tell if you won't."
The impromptu liaison went on for the rest of the hour, and another 30 minutes beyond. "It was very romantic and totally mutual-it didn't feel like I was just being serviced," she recalls. "He asked after a while if I wanted to have sex, but neither of us had a condom," said Joanna. "I considered giving him a blow job, but then I was like, ‘I'm paying for this!'"
Well, whatever you're into! For better or for worse, this is a stunning example of fourth-wave femiladyism.