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Ah, the sweet smell of desperation. Unlike the smell of success, it tends to accompany fallen pop stars, singers who’ve failed to “make it” in the showbiz, and more than a few ladies with a laundry list of divorces and annulments under their garter belts. Currently reeking of it are Madonna and Britney Spears who, as we noted yesterday, are planning a musical (well, under their definition of “musical”) collaboration that promises to top any and all racy stunts either has pulled in their respective never-a-dull-moment careers. And now Us reports that, beyond bondage scenes and nudity nobody wants to see anymore, Britney has filmed a video clip for the performance that sounds like Attack Of The Killer Umbrella-Bearing Baldie 2: This Time, With Hair! Yes, we’ll soon see an enormous Spears at her “screaming,” “kicking,” “anxious” best, giving a whole new meaning to elevator music:

Rather than shoot her next "pretend" mental breakdown in another dark parking lot with breakable SUV windows, producers wisely decided to shoot the new scene in an elevator, using a whopping seven cameras to film Britney go wacko. As Us reports, Spears will enter the tight space incognito, covering her "long platinum blonde hair" (ie: one hell of a weave) with a black hoodie. So no one knows it's her at first! Psyche! But disaster strikes as the elevator gets stuck, prompting Brit into Package mode — after a bout of kicking the doors and hitting "things," which we can only presume are cameramen, cameras, and hopefully Madonna, Spears will supposedly stare into the pitying eyes of all viewers and grunt her new mantra, "It's Britney, Bitch." What is Britney? One part crazy, one part bipolar, and still all kinds of tragic.