♦ Barack Obama locked up 17 newspaper endorsements over the weekend compared to just two for John McCain. [E&P]
♦ John McCain will make an appearance on Letterman on Thursday. [CNN]
♦ Don't mention the recession to Tina Brown: Her new site will burn through $18 mil. over the next three years and most staffers are making more than 100K. [AdAge]
♦ Is the tween magazine over? [AdFreak]
Jon Stewart's Daily Show is heading to the Middle East. [THR]

♦ Just which network will be broadcasting the next season of Project Runway remains in a judge's hands, but a court ruling is expected on October 15th, the same day of the show's finale. [MediaWeek]
Tina Fey is on a tear these days, but her 30 Rock won't be back on the air until the end of the month. [NYT]
♦ Ad revenue for newspaper websites is now falling after 17 quarters of growth. [NYT]
Saturday Night Live is mulling its own video-on-demand site. [SAR]