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Ryan Block, the perpetually-in-hyperdrive head of consumer electronics superblog Engadget, is quitting the site after two years to launch a new site with his predecessor, blog millionaire and RCRD LBL founder Peter Rojas. A TechCrunch report stops short of further facts, but correctly dismisses the notion that Block's plans can be reverse-engineered by looking up the 39 domain names he owns — do you really believe Mr Always-On didn't think of that angle?

Whatever Block does, he'll do it at full throttle. The guy pioneered live, realtime photo shoots from gadget industry events, uploaded while top mainstream media photgraphers puttered with their lens cases. Check out his first-onto-the-Internet photos of the iPhone's unveiling. Having worked both with and for him now and then at Engadget, I'm just glad I won't have to compete with Ryan Block anymore — as, I'm sure, are my colleagues at Gizmodo, the rival gadget blog owned by Valleywag publisher Gawker Media. Someone else is about to start losing a lot of sleep.(Photo by mroth )