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It's actually quite incredible that Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis isn't more famous than she is, given that she possesses the two qualities most likely to lead to major media success: a famous parent and no apparent limits to her oversharing. On her Sirius radio show, she has, according to a New York magazine profile, discussed: "The breast lift, the Botox, the in vitro shots to try to get pregnant, the "betweeny" wax she favors over the Brazilian, the recurrent sexual fantasies involving Scott Bakula, the past dabbling in lesbianism..." and so on.

The show, Whatever With Alexis and Jennifer (the latter being Jennifer Koppelman Hutt, the daughter of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia chairman Charles Koppelman) is now transmogrifying into a TV program on the Fine Living Network called Whatever, Martha. The schtick is that the two will mock old episodes of Martha Stewart Living; if that sounds vaguely subversive, bear in the mind that Martha came up with the idea herself and serves as producer. Hey, when you've branded yourself in every way possible, having your child laugh at your career for entertainment is the logical next step.

How Did Martha Stewart End Up With Howard Stern's Baby? [NYM]