The revolutionary information age is great and everything, but it makes crime a really big hassle. In the McCarthy era, they ran down the Reds by tracing their anti-American magazine subscriptions. Dragnet cops could storm into the library to demand a suspect's list of books borrowed. But now criminals use the internet, and its treasure trove of crime information is an equally rich source of evidence against those who access it. We've already seen a Facebook update lead to a murder-suicide. And now, the latest entrant in the annals of "Bad Things To Do Online": Google "How to kill with a knife," and then murder your wife and child:

"A search was made on You search by key words. There were six words. 'How to kill with a knife'," forensic computer expert and police officer Lawrence James testified at Neil Entwistle's double-murder trial.

Entwistle, 29, from Worksop in the East Midlands, has pleaded not guilty to murdering his wife Rachel, 27, and their nine-month-old daughter Lillian at their Massachusetts home in the United States two years ago using his father-in-law's gun.

He's obviously innocent, what with the knife/ gun discrepancy.

Seriously though, don't do the Google part, or the murder part. Come on, man.
