It's another sad breakup for Julia Allison. The fameball's sweetheart, six-figure gig as editor-at-large for Star magazine has come to a close, the Post's Keith Kelly is reporting. A few months after a fling with AM New York, the self-promoting young dating columnist was hired one year ago by Star under the tenure of American Media editorial director Bonnie Fuller. Her work for the tabloid consisted not of writing, but of showing up on cable news shows to talk about, say, the Texas polygamists ("I was sitting there seriously disturbed"), or about singer Britney Spears' love life ("the guy is a user, a loser and a mooch"). With Fuller gone, save for her own editor-at-large gig, Allison's yearlong contract was allowed to expire. Star isn't talking publicly about exactly why that is.

But it's worth noting, in addition to Fuller's departure, that Allison has made a point in recent months of refraining from posting racy pictures of herself to her blog, or from oversharing about her romantic entanglements — the very antics that helped bring her to the Star's attention in the first place. Her popularity, on this site at least, has taken a hit. It's entirely possible that Star did not feel it was getting its money's worth.

With her Star "job" gone, how will Allison pay her rent? Or buy more artistic renderings of herself to hang on the walls? Surely not from her Time Out New York column. She'll just have to make money the old fashioned way: through reality television.


Webzone Canal + - Julia Allison + The Hills
by ClaudeMann