Just last week we asked when button-cute actress Anne Hathaway would break up with her troublesome, scandal-plagued boyfriend of four years, Raffaello Follieri. She's reportedly "devastated," about it but hey, about time. He was a pretty sleazy character. After the jump, a field guide to the dumped Italian playboy:

Who is Raffaelo Follieri?

A 29-year-old hustler, murky businessman, and head of the Follieri Group, an investment vehicle known mainly for suckering Bill Clinton and Ron Burkle out of tens of millions of dollars in a botched scheme to buy up Catholic Church property. Also, he's Anne Hathaway's ex-boyfriend.

What kinds of scandals has he been involved in?

Follieri's scandals, in brief: he got written up in the WSJ for suckering Bill Clinton and Ron Burkle out of millions of dollars in investments, which he subsequently blew on his own lavish lifestyle; he bounced a $215,000 check; and now a Follieri charity is being investigated by the NY attorney general for tax issues.

After the Clinton-Burkle item-which was hugely embarrassing for the ex-president-Follieri was a marked man. Every subsequent scandal just adds to his shame. And he hasn't demonstrated even one iota of improving judgment since then. That bounced $215,000 check? It was supposed to be payment to a PR firm for representing him during the previous scandal. Genius.

What does it have to do with Anne Hathaway?

The Devil Wears Prada actress was also drawn into Follieri's scheme. In the Clinton/ Burkle case, a lawsuit said "Follieri has been 'systematically misappropriating the assets' to indulge in 'massive charges for five-star lodging,' 'dog care' and 'inappropriate jet travel' for himself and 'his actress girlfriend.'"

An insider tells the Mail Online that Hathaway made the painful decision to end their relationship because of the effects his controversial business dealings could have on her career...

A source said: 'It's heartbreaking for her to dump him, and she's devastated that it's come to this, but she really didn't have a choice. His scandals were hurting her reputation.'

Who's going to take Follieri's place in Hathaway's life?

Weird funnyman and Get Smart costar Steve Carell, in an alternate, cooler world:

Hathaway's split from Follieri may mean she finally moves to Hollywood, after years of insisting she would remain on the east coast to stay close to her beau.

A pal said: 'She seemed to really be enjoying her freedom, and making new friends in L.A., especially Steve.

'Anne really wants to find a guy like Steve, and if he weren't married, I have no doubt she would date him in a second.

[Daily Mail UK]