If you happened to miss the two dozen or so reminders that your humble, athletically-ungifted Defamer editor would be a featured guest on Dr. Drew Pinsky's radio show this past Friday, we've collected some of the highlights for your listening pleasure. (Before you judge our performance too harshly, you must consider for a moment how nervous we were to be in the presence of the man who taught us everything we know about the relative riskiness of the fringe sexual practices that defined much of our experimental late-20s.) Drew surprised us right off the bat by opening up the floor to our own questions. We took the bait and started grilling him about his recent feud with Tom Cruise and the first word from the set of Celebrity Rehab 2.

We started with the recent Tom Cruise controversy. Pinsky told us he has yet to receive any Scary Hollywood Lawyer letters for his comments regarding Cruise being "drawn into a cultish kind of enviroment" due to "neglect in childhood." He did express regret for the choice of terms he used, and apologized if what he said had offended Cruise—but the Jewish-American doctor also expressed outrage at Cruise's lawyer's Bert Field's Nazi comments, questioning if the comparison was racially motivated.

Following that, there's some nice talk previewing what's to come on the second season of Celebrity Rehab, including the return of Jeff Conaway, who, according to the doctor, is "even sicker" than last season. And if you recall what that was like—yikes.

Thanks again to Dr. Drew for being such a great sport. We look forward to sitting down with him again.