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Have you heard of Marina Deripaska and her older brother Pyotr? Probably not, since they're only five and seven years old, but rest assured we'll be hearing a lot more about them in the future considering they stand to inherit $20 billion each from their father Oleg, an aluminium magnate who is currently the richest man in Russia. Other miniature megabuckses listed on a magazine's "minigarch" league table include, naturally, Roman Abramovich's children by his second wife Irina. But because there are five of them, they'll have to somehow scrape by on an inheritance of barely a billion each, unless Roman gets his act together and makes some more money.

Also, golddiggers who wish to get a head start should bear in mind that the culture of secrecy surrounding Russia's ultrarich class, in which the Kremlin, the mafia and big business are obscurely connected, means that often the names of their fortunate offspring aren't revealed. Thus steel magnate Vladimir Lisin's three children, 14th on the list, aren't even identified as boys or girls.

But not so for Yusuf Alekperov, the London-based 17-year-old son of energy company boss Vagit, whose fortune will be $13.5 billion and who we'd like to remind that New York has some great colleges.

The $1bn 'minigarchs": The children of Russia's Oligarchs [Telegraph]