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The NY Daily News makes a bold (and frightening) opening statement in their story published today regarding good girl Anne Hathaway and her very bad boy boyfriend, money-laundering, law suit magnet Raffaello Follieri: "You are who you date." While that statement may seem to be a bit elementary, they make a good point in Anne's case. No matter how charming she is on screen, how little she appears on the pages of tabloids or how impossible we find it to dislike her in any way, the fact remains that she is still with the sleazy mess of a man. And has been for years, despite all the trouble he's had with the law. And she's not the only major bankable goody two shoes actress lessening "her stock" by dating a guy who's far lower on the Hollywood totem pole: the piece also argues that Jennifer Aniston's summer fling with tattooed bed-hopper John Mayer is just as reputation damaging as Hathway's sketchy romance. So why are these beyond eligible bachelorettes digging through the back lot trash for love?

The Bad Boy Appeal: Michelle Pfeiffer sang that she wanted a "rider that's mean" in Grease 2 (yes, we saw it, and are happy to admit it), but she was neither the first nor the last person to echo that sentiment. Try as every girl might, bad boys simply don't lose their luster. Sure, Raffaello might steal money from billionaires, but it's for his lady! The romance! The Stellaahhhhh of it all!

Anne And Jen Are Far More Clever Than We Think: In case you hadn't noticed, Anne has a big summer movie to promote, as does Jennifer. Distracting us bloggers with their law-breaking boyfriends and fembot nipples reminds us they're there. What else are they going to do, slip on cokepants and earn themselves a makeup-enhanced mug shot? Not their style.

John Lennon Was Right After All: Call us romantics, but the truth is that we know nothing about Raffaello and John's in-person charisma. There's this little thing called love, and maybe, just maybe, it's all these particular girls really need. Sigh.