Joshua David Stein drops in for a second to bring up an important Top Chef point and to remind you the finale is Wednesday. Check here Thursday for the epic recap. Icky nightlife dipstick Mr. Steve Lewis recently interviewed two women from Top Chef. Nikki "You Wanna De Pasta?" Cascone from this season and Camille "No, not that Camille" Becerra from last season. They both got axed and also asked some questions. Of note: Camille says she purposefully tanked to get home to her kid and bank account, Nikki tries and fails to say anything interesting or insightful and Lewis talks some serious shit against Big Head Todd English.

The other edifying part of the interview is how frequently Lewis insists on inserting "Everybody laughs" after every piddle-headed thing he says. Anyway...

Steve Lewis on Todd English: "Todd English is a two-bit, lying punk and should, in my opinion, never be trusted by anyone – community boards, investors, women, anyone."

Camille Becerra on Throwing the Competition: "You know you have to leave because it's just not where I want to be. And so yeah, it gets to a point where it's like, ‘How do I get out of here? How do I get out of here with dignity?' Because all of these people, all around America are watching you."

Nikki Cascone on Being the Sexy Chef: "If I read the blogs, I'm the ringer because I'm the pretty girl, you know? That's the way it's been."

Steve Lewis's Makes Everyone Laugh:

"These two ladies, and I'm using that term without knowing them that well… (Everyone Laughs) … "

"It sounds more like a platoon in the army. (Everyone Laughs)"

"SL: Camille, Nikki just made this statement. You're a year removed. A year further away from the confidentiality agreement. ...Everyone Laughs"

"SL: You did get voted New York's sexiest chef or something, didn't you?

CB: Yes, Steven.

Everyone Laughs."