
Top Chef: Ahab Finally Slays the Great White Whale

Joshua David Stein · 11/19/09 12:30PM

There is a place where the episode ends
And before the show begins
And there the chefs grow soft and white,
And there Jen's face burns crimson bright,
And there the brothers prep for their fight
To ballotine a thing.

Love of Gay Bars Will Tear Us Apart, Again

Brian Moylan · 07/23/09 01:29PM

An article in the latest issue of Out says that more gay bars are popping up all over the country. That is very true, and it could be the worst thing to happen to gay culture since Judy Garland Died.

Who's In the Monkey Bar Mural?

Richard Lawson · 03/30/09 04:10PM

Wispily pompadoured Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's new midtown venture Monkey Bar is a bar/restaurant for rich people. There's even a giant mural commemorating some of between-wars New York's bestest richies. So who's in it?