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It's less than a month until Fashion Week, which means it's time for runway models to increase cigarette and laxative consumption and cut back on anything containing calories or nourishment. And time for journalists to write stories about the cruel travails of trying to be a size zero. Today the Wall Street Journal talks to 18-year-old aspiring mannequin Tatiana Stewart (left), who's attractive enough to work at the Fifth Avenue Abercrombie and Fitch (no small feat), but at 6'2"and size 4 she's repeatedly told to lose weight by casting agents—and didn't even make it through ANTM auditions after being told to lift her skirt.

"I always thought I was thin," she says. "Girls here I know are 5'10 and size 0...I don't think anybody's body is naturally like that." Still, she's determined, and her supportive mom has put her on a cabbage soup and fruit diet.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you, Tatiana: Hopefully within no time you'll have stopped menstruating and developed a drug problem, and then you can walk in the February shows!

Slim Chance: an Aspiring Model's Challenge [WSJ]