Hillary Clinton isn't conceding anything until her demands are met: she wants to be, according to the talking heads on TV, the vice presidential nominee; to have a "Teddy Kennedy" moment in the spotlight at the convention; and to have a big influence over the platform. That's why, in her speech tonight at the end of the Democratic primary process, at a time when Obama has won Montana and collected sufficient delegates in South Dakota to be the presumptive nominee, she declared she wasn't going to formally drop out of the race. She congratulated Obama for the "race he has run" instead of "the race he has won." Her suicide cult supporters were apparently ensconced in some kind of bat cave for several hours, reportedly without TV or cell phone reception, and were acting particularly crazy and defiant, yelling so loudly at certain points that they could be heard on camera even as Clinton was trying to speak. Watch a cruel and calculating Clinton refuse to end the relentless, nightmare Democratic primary in the non-concession concession speech after the jump.