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We still can’t figure out why, but the tiny former child stars-turned-designers Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen remain terribly convinced that they are very important. So important, in fact, that they treat their various Manhattan apartments like Bel Air mansions and generally shit all over their neighbors. As one next-door resident put it, “you’d think the President was living here.” Sure, if Dubya got decked out in shiny skirts and pounds of jewelry before partying til the wee hours and coming home soaked in vintage wine and memories night after night (which, by all means, he might). More on what kinds of trouble the little rascals are rousing in their downtown party casa after the jump.

Having abandoned their expansive penthouse on the West Side after presumably just getting kinda bored with it, the Olsens have since moved into a rental in the Village with three floors and unfortunately, some irritable neighbors neighbors: "They certainly keep late hours...I was jogging early one morning, and they were piling out of their gas guzzlers in their little club outfits." We suppose that might be annoying to some, though we'd probably just take notes on their outfits and mimic them at some point. And all this anti-Olsen attitude in their hood means they can't even stake their muscle men all over the street without one resident complaining: "The bodyguards in their SUVs are always getting in the way of our alternate-side parking routine," yammered one. Well where does he suggest they put their bodyguards? Inside the same apartment? That's just unsanitary.