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Apparently the tabloids aren’t the only ones who have serious issues with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s scary skinny frames. According to a story in OK!, a cunning barista at the twins’ favorite Starbucks in New York was so concerned for MK&A’s health that he would foster his own plumping recipes for the pair despite their usual order of Grande nonfat lattes. According to the magazine’s source, "the barista thought the Olsens were too thin, so whenever they ordered their usual drink, he would replace the skim milk with full-fat." While we don’t think the coffee-slinging superhero’s plan did much in the way of turning the Olsens around, reading their friend’s teary manifesto against evil concoctions like this might make them reconsider the kind of slim-fast buddies they’ve been hanging out with.

As MSNBC reports, the Olsens have a friend in their bunch who we think would fit in perfectly at Posh 'n Katie's lunch table. As she says, "It’ worst nightmare — that and getting a huge diet fountain soda that is mistakenly regular Coke — but I can def[initely] taste the difference, so it’s their own fault." Someone's worst nightmare is accidentally drinking milk just because it's not skim? And they're friends with the Olsens? We don't think secret coffee recipes are the trick to plumping them up — it's cutting this nut case loose.