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JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon doesn't exactly have a rep as the most sympathetic guy. He's long been known to berate employees, he once got physical with a former colleague, Deryck Maughan, and he's been just as blunt with the press. ("What do I think of our competitors? I hate them! I want them to bleed!" he once exclaimed when asked about his competition.) More recently, he made news after he told Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit to "stop being such a jerk" on a conference call. So it might come as some surprise that he's a wee bit more generous than Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein when it comes to writing checks to charity. Dimon handed out $1.8 million last year (compared to Blankfein's paltry $1.5 million), including a $1 million gift to the University of Chicago and $120,000 to Columbia's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. The full report after the jump.

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