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On her MySpace blog, Courtney Love talks (and by talks we of course mean free-associates at great length) about going to stay at the London home of her close friends Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. And what revelations follow! Gwynnie cooks in an Anthropologie apron, there are cigarettes and an ashtray, "She is a slip of a girl and light as a feather" (guess those daily three-hour exercise sessions and macrobiotic diet aren't a total waste of time), and Chris is not, in fact, devoid of personality as you might have been thinking. He has "a very lovely laugh." But most importantly, Courtney sets something straight, once and for all: Gwyneth's IQ is so high, the figure can't even be named.

It was pretty clever of Gwyneth to guide the conversation onto the topic, knowing that saying something to Courtney Love is equivalent to taking out an ad in the New York Times. So that story about a young Spence student being rejected from all the tony East Coast colleges she applied to, and her parents' friend Michael Douglas pulling strings to get her into UC Santa Barbara? Obviously completely untrue!