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The public face of PETA, Dan Mathews, has been flying around the world as usual, but instead of focusing solely on orchestrating wacky animal rights stunts, he's promoting his book, Committed: a Rabble-Rouser's Memoir, in which he describes PETA's public enemy no. 1, Anna Wintour, as looking "like she has constant, painful gas." Attacks on the Vogue editor have created some of the biggest headlines for PETA, but she remains intransigent in the face of gay ex-model Mathew's inventive campaigns:

In 1992, the group invaded and occupied her offices. In 1997, her Manhattan town house was daubed with blood-coloured paw prints and the slogan 'fur hag'. During lunch at the Four Seasons a woman threw a dead racoon onto her plate with the cry, 'This is for the animals!' In response Wintour has increased the amount of fur on her pages, encouraged young designers to use it, refused to run anti-fur ads, and displayed an icy disdain: hit full-face with a tofu cream pie outside a Parisian fashion show, her only response was, 'Tofu is very good for the skin.'

Other fashion figures, Mathew tells journalist Alix Sharkey, are a bit more susceptible to his persuasion:

So far, he has personally persuaded Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Vivienne Westwood and Tommy Hilfiger to drop fur altogether. And following a recent meeting with Giorgio Armani, the Italian designer is 'down to rabbit, and he's looking at dropping that too.'

Among the baby animal-haters that Mathew's still out to get: Donna Karan, who in May was mocked at a yoga event by fake blood-covered PETA activists in the yoga "rabbit" pose, and Michael Kors, who uses Astrakhan, the skin of unborn or newborn lambs. How shocking! Although this sort of cruelty should come as no surprise to Project Runway contestants who've caught the sharp end of his tongue.