• Tyra Banks ended the Miley Cyrus controversy, issuing the following fatwa on The View: "She is a 15-year-old, and I just wish everybody would leave her alone!" Follow this edict or Tyra will claw your eyes out, then stab you, then set you on fire, all using only her tightly-controlled stare of rage. [Showbiz Spy]
  • The Jennifer Aniston/John Mayer thing may be, horrifically, an ongoing concern. [Egotastic]
  • Britney Spears will get to spend Mother's Day with her kids. Also, ex-husband Kevin Federline calls Spears his "lady," and Spears says "I love you" at end of phone calls with him. [Sun]
  • Madonna repeatedly and unsuccessfully invited Justin Timberlake to discover her Wardrobe Malfunction over the course of several agonizing minutes. [Daily Mail]
  • Wait, so now Rob Lowe's wife sexually harassed their supposedly extortionate nanny? And a cock ring is involved? [TMZ]