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Before he's even gone down in history for doing anything, Barack Obama is enjoying the company of the likes of Che Guevara and Bob Marley as a "statement" t-shirt. "Young people are acting like it's some kind of revolution," says a Union Square vendor who sells T-shirts hand-painted with images of Obama. "He's in demand right now. He's selling better than everybody." Naturally, Urban Outfitters is selling a bunch of Obama-slogan shirts—but we wonder how many of the hiptards snapping up "Obama for Yo Mama" and "Barack 'n' Roll" shirts have any idea that their money is going straight to Urban Outfitters' billionaire owner Richard Hayne, staunch conservative and frequent contributor to Republican causes and candidates like Rick Santorum. Ah, the irony: For every Barack t-shirt an idealistic kid buys at UO, a few pennies drop in the campaign coffers of Republicans like John McCain.