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Will rippling athlete-turned-fully-fledged (albeit still ostensibly hetero) fashion fag Sean Avery ever play hockey again? He's starting a fashion company, done an internship at Vogue, spending this week guest-editing Men's Vogue, all the while admirably unashamed of the joy he derives from, say, pulling together an outfit with the perfect leopard print Alexander McQueen vest. What will next week bring? Glad you asked: He's heading over to Paris for the couture shows, of which he's particularly looking forward to Chanel, obviously. Now, to those who are amused by Avery's unorthodox interests, he has something to say:

If you feel like teasing this hockey player about an obsession of his that you might think is a little unusual, go right ahead. Just know that you may get your ass kicked by a very expensive pair of shoes—and that they'll probably match both my belt and my shirt.

Darlings, consider yourselves warned!