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So the gays are officially marrying each other in California. And there are a few celebrities sprinkled in among the hordes of couples now rushing to the altar: George "Mr. Sulu" Takei of Star Trek married his partner Brat Altman today, and Ellen DeGeneres says she plans to marry her longtime girlfriend, Portia De Rossi, later this month. But what about here in New York? Which locals are going to take advantage of David Paterson's recent decision to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and fly out West to pick up a marriage license of their own?

Not very many, it turns out.

Who: Rosie O'Donnell and Kelli Carpenter
Plans to marry? No! Rosie famously flew out to San Francisco's City Hall in 2004 to marry longtime companion Kelli, saying at the time that "we were both inspired to come here after the sitting president made the vile and hateful comments he made." The marriage was later legally voided. But the once-antsy Rosie says she's going to hold off on getting formally hitched until all American gays can marry. "Once it gets to be at the federal level, once every state recognizes the marriages of every other state, I think that'll be the time we do it." Don't hold your breath, Rosie.

Who: Queen Latifah and trainer Jeannette Jenkins
Plans to marry? Yes, at least according to the National Enquirer. She won't have to travel far. Her Majesty is bicoastal and spends much of her time in LA.

Who: Cynthia Nixon and education activist Christine Marinoni
Plans to marry? No official plans, but Cynthia's expressed interest in wedding Marinoni before. Then again, she's also had second thoughts.

Who: Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner and ex-model Matt Nye
Plans to marry? Nope. Of course, he doesn't have much of a choice: He's still legally married to his wife, Jane, reportedly because he never had much interest in splitting up his media empire.

Who: Former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey and Australia-born financial adviser Mark O'Donnell
Plans to marry? Haven't said either way. But given the way his marriage to Dina Matos McGreevey turned out, Jimmy may not be too eager to go down that path again.

Who: Scott Rudin and theater publicist John Barlow
Plans to marry? No plans to our knowledge. But if they did tie the knot, it's safe to say every entertainment mogul would be in attendance, even the gay ones who are married to women. Like Barry Diller.

Who: Tony Kushner and Entertainment Weekly editor Mark Harris
Plans to marry? No plans to our knowledge.

Who: Andrew Saffir and Daniel Benedict
Plans to marry? No plans as of yet. But if they do, expect a red carpet the length of a football field, a barrage of Wireimage photographers, and an Oscar-like gift bag.

Who: Simon Doonan and Jonathan Adler
Plans to marry? No plans, sadly. Which means you won't see their Norwich terrier Liberace bounding up the aisle with a ring or a zebra-patterned wedding cake anytime soon. Alas.