Are dirty hippies and anti-war wusses breaking up your awesome conservative circle-jerk? Well now you have something funny to scream at them! Former George W. Bush bag man and current Fox News talker Karl Rove was giving a speech at George Washington University Friday when some students held up a sign reading "WAR CRIMINAL" and started trying to shout down the pudgy master of evil. Ho-hum. But as they were being escorted out by security, some Right Wing funsters got up a chant of "Tase 'Em! Tase 'Em!" You know, coz that one guy said, "Don't tase me, bro"? Video after the jump.

You can watch it here, actually. (Ug, will someone please teach me how to post videos??) Rove, who we recently learned is just a great big ball of fun, later goofed with a student who asked why "his detractors believe he is a 'fundamentally bad human being.'" Rove told the lad, "First of all, the tail and the horns are retractable," and, "I don't know! I'm a myth. I mean, I'm like Grendel of Beowulf; I'm not often seen but people talk about me a lot." []