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Park Avenue doormen usually hit mini-jackpots come Christmas time, but now 1021 Park doorman Richie Randazzo has gone and won the real thing—the "Set for Life" scratch ticket he picked up last month landed him a $5 million payday. So what does he want to do with the money? He says he now wants to move into the tony building where he's been hailing cabs, holding packages, and, yes, opening the door for residents for years. Now "I'll have the doorman open the door for me."

Sadly, Randazzo's going to have to hold off for awhile on his dream of living where he's worked all these years—the only apartment for sale at 1021 Park is on the market for $9.95 million, which is probably a bit too steep for this newly-minted millionaire. For now, he'll continue to live in the two-story home in Gravesend that he grew up in. Finding a hot piece of arm candy is another story. "I want a good Italian woman—or Swedish or Irish or Chinese." If the winnings really go to his head, maybe he'll be super bold and make a play for Avon CEO Andrea Jung, who lives in the building.

Movin' On Up [NY Post]