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The media is having a little trouble getting the story straight on Barack Obama: Just a week after his and Michelle's fist pump—which most commentators deemed an adorable gesture of affection, but which always-gentlemanly Fox News anchor E.D. Hill slammed as a terrorist fist jab—nobody can agree on whether he's the poster-boy for stylish dressing or an absolute fashion disaster.

Today the Daily News blasted Obama for committing the sartorial high-crime of biking around his neighborhood decked out in nerdy-dad gear. Those too-tight, too-short jeans! The dorkily oversized helmet! And those socks! To get some professional judgment, Tim Gunn was called in, who confessed that the word "ensemble," didn't come to mind, but said he took solace in the fact that Obama wasn't wearing sweats. Simon Doonan, for his part, didn't dispute the get-up's hideousness, but said it actually made him think more highly of the Illinois senator: "It means [he's] thinking about more important stuff."

What might be most ironic, though, is that on a day when people are mocking Obama's suburban dad outfit, the British version of Esquire named him to its best-dressed list, along with auctioneer Tobias Meyer, Fiat heir Lapo Elkann, and actor Christian Bale. So should be lauding him for his "elegance" or mocking him for looking like a suburban dad? At least he wasn't wearing a keffiyeh!

Barack Obama gets poor fashion marks after weekend bike ride [Daily News]