In an effort to rescue her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton has been trying to butter up the press, including by pretending to like author and magazine writer Gail Sheehy, who aired Clinton's dirty laundry throughout the 1990s. Well, that ruse is up: Clinton last night installed the pack of reporters trailing her campaign in the men's room of an Austin community center. All the female reporters rushed to avoid the urinals, but former New Yorker editor Tina Brown, who is working on a biography of Clinton, lost out and ended up "gamely typing away close to a toilet," according the Wall Street Journal. And Sheehy? She leveraged the insult into the best sort of revenge, the kind played out in front of television cameras:

Wrote the Journal:

Reporters for an independent television channel used the urinals as a backdrop to interview best-selling author Gail Sheehy, who's been following the campaign for her work on a book about the Clintons. The channel had wanted to speak with Ms. Sheehy on camera about the Clintons' relations with the media, and the author suggested that the toilets provided "a perfect visual."