What Real Estate Bubble?

- Despite incessant talk of the real estate bubble bursting, not only are resale prices at 15 Central Park West holding up, they're soaring. Dan Loeb's $45 million penthouse is looking like the bargain of the century! [NY Mag]
- The Ratner pile-on continues to grow: The latest to tack on a friend-of-the-court brief to the lawsuit seeking to halt Atlantic Yards is the public interest law group Institute for Justice. You all right underneath there, Bruce? [NY Sun]
- Tried and true real estate marketing stunts work just as effectively in Dubai as they do here. Just as local developers tap glittering personages to hawk their buildings, so too do builders in the construction-mad Arabian emirate, who've lined up Tiger Woods, Brad Pitt, and Donatella Versace to pitch condos overlooking the Persian Gulf. [WSJ]
- Musings from the mind of Mort Zuckerman, the new owner of the GM Building: "Law practice is the exact opposite of sex. Even when it's good, it's lousy." [Observer]
- Joe's, the sports bar in the Hotel Pennsylvania with a $13 pizza named after Vornado chief Steve Roth, is no more. A shame, Steve was delicious. [Observer]