• Amy Winehouse may have lasted up to nine days clean of drugs before she called herself a "zombie," burned herself and did "cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis and booze." Of course the sensationalist Sun spins it negative and says she's "back in drug hell," typical. (Check out the sidebar from their "Bizarre Editor.") [Sun]
  • The Olsen twins have a deal for a book, but it's the kind of book you pose for, and then people with a sense of irony buy it for their coffee table. It is decidedly not the kind of book where you have to type the hard words. [AP]
  • Britney Spears made outrageous demands at an LA clothing boutique, but then the only thing she would buy was "the yellow wig on a mannequin in the window... the manager eventually agreed to offer it to her for $100." This is, of course, one of the most awesome things Spears has done for, oh, maybe six months. [Gatecrasher]
  • TMZ tried to tell the world the LA police were investigating Sam Lutfi for drugging Britney Spears, but every media outlet ever said they were wrong and printed an LAPD statement to that effect. Well guess who now has a piece of paper saying the LA police really are looking at the Lutfi drugging charge?
  • Jon Eardley wants control of Britney's money and life, but he can't even convince a judge he's even her attorney in the first place. He vows to keep fighting this "oppressive and unjust" situation. [Reuters]
  • Orlando Bloom doesn't bathe. Also he doesn't wash his clothes, but maybe he just has those French jeans you're not supposed to wash, ever.
  • Ashlee Simpson and her boyfriend made up a story about being pregnant to somehow stop internet music piracy, and you and I are the dumb ones for not getting the joke. [TMZ]
  • Angelina Jolie should start selling subscriptions just to her St. John ads because apparently everyone finds them very pretty and is posting them to their blogs. [Faded Youth]