No Need To Recycle NY's Magazines. Just Wait For Them To Die Like All The Rest!
No environmental program has ever in the history of ever been more brutally-named than "ReMix," the city's new "Recycling Magazines Is Excellent!" campaign. The plan aims to draw attention to the wasteful practices of the glossies industry, which, AdAge tells us, often prints copies of issues which nobody reads. Stunning. There are some decent ideas in the green scheme (recycled paper is good! Extraneous direct mail is bad!) but it's hard not to walk away with the idea that the only way for a magazine to be ecologically sustainable is to uh, well, flop. So much better for Mother Earth! After the jump, a gallery of magazines so environmentally cutting-edge that they've been dead for years.
In particular, 2001 seems to have been a particularly murderous year for magazines-those below either called it quits or now publish only online:

Not that the rest of this decade has been all that sweet either. A few others who died (and yes, yes, lived again, Maer Roshan, we hear you.)

Up next, the pulp-strewn graveyard that was the 1990s! God this is depressing.