Hillary Clinton spent her Sunday talking to the massive manface of Tim Russert on 'Meet the Press'. The best part of the whole show, in my opinion, is the moment when the grandiose music ends and we see the dour feral downer face of Russert. Other fun points include every moment when Russert tries to stir up some race-baiting from Sen. Clinton who, once again in my personal opinion, does a very good job of not being ensnared in Russert''s "Gotcha, fucking racist!" game. She is, sadly, still kind of a robot, although an existential one. She cries Windex!

Russert starts off the fifty minutes by reading wildly unflattering reports on Clinton's widely reported Rev. Martin Luther King comments. She responds. He reads some more inflammatory stuff, completely disregarding her response. She tries to interrupt. He won't let her. He asks what kind of horse Obama is and then calls her patronizing. Yay! Then they talk about the crying moment:

MR. RUSSERT: In New Hampshire, now, the famous scene in Portsmouth where you showed some emotion, was that exhaustion, frustration? What was it?

SEN. CLINTON: No. It was actually, Tim, a moment of real emotional connection. Those of us who are running for office and holding office, I know it may be hard to believe, we're also human beings. And when I spend my time out on the campaign trail, it's usually about what I can do for somebody else. You know, I'm very other directed. I don't like talking about myself, I don't like, you know, sort of the, the whole atmosphere of how people, you know, are judged in American politics too often as to, you know, what you say instead of what you do. And so for me it's always about what can I do for you? How can I help you? And I was very touched when that woman said, "Well, how are you doing? How do you get up in the morning?" Because really, the question is for so many of the people that I meet, how does anybody get up in the morning?

Related: One of Pres. George Bush's favorite book is Camus' 'The Stranger'. Camus was born in Africa. Clinton is campaigning against Bush! Tim, OMG, she's racist! You were right!

[Hillary on Meet the Press [Transcript]
Hillary on Meet the Press [Video]