This image was lost some time after publication.

Katie Holmes took daughter Suri Cruise to Chelsea Piers in New York City once again last night. While Suri appreciated the outing, she is beginning to feel like all of these late night outings are destroying her sleep schedule. Suri said, "Look Mom, I know that you're supposedly working during the day. Rehearsing and hanging out with the Prom King from Little Children. As if that counts as work. I, on the other hand, am actually doing real work during the day. I'm on the phone with everybody back in the LA office, listening to pitches, attempting to decipher some intern's coverage of a script that I know I won't like but I have to read it anyways because I do a good job, and, I'm playing phone tagging with Shiloh. You'd think it would be easy to get a hold of her since we're in Manhattan and she's on French time, but I don't think her Blackberry gets reception in all way in the boonies. And on top of that, I'm trying to find a little place in Hancock Park. So Mom, maybe tomorrow, we could stay in and order some pizza and I don't know, just take it easy?"

[Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin]

*A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.