Thaddeus McCotter (R-Michigan) spent his time on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday giving a little presentation called "How to Speak Democrat." For example, "progressive" means "regressive"! So witty! And the presentation (shown below) should in no way be seen as the sole thing McCotter has accomplished with his time while he only raised $8,500 of the nearly $1 million he's supposed to raise for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

McCotter posted the video to YouTube, then blogged it on the Republican Policy Committee's web site. One of the representative YouTube comments goes like so:

Why can't the sheeple LIBTARDS understand this!?! Is the education in the U.S. of A. so left centered now that they can't see something tossed in front of them? Wake up koolaid drinkers of America... The leftwing conspiracy is trying to take your rights!!!

I wish more speakers of the house were like this... this guy has ball the size of Mars :D