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Jessica Alba and Cash Warren apparently aren't playing along with the latest "hasty media retraction" trend in celebrity parenting, instead just blithely going along with reports that Alba gave birth this weekend to the couple's daughter Honor Marie Warren. As the actress was due in late May, however, we have no reason to doubt the Bronze Child is among us: "Alba's father was overheard saying, 'She's beautiful,' " US Weekly reported in a bulletproof dispatch from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. "Warren — in a T-shirt, jeans and baseball cap — was spotted carrying food into the maternity ward Sunday."

Alba, who has yet to offload the rights to Honor's first photos, nevertheless did Paramount a huge solid by keeping the openings of both her womb and her new film The Love Guru — opening everywhere June 20! — in the closest possible proximity. Expect our first sun-kissed, blobby look that week, followed by rough calculations of how Alba's imminent thousand-year Hindu curse impacts little Honor. Here's hoping Vishnu goes light on her.