It's lucky for Russia! magazine that former Gawker and new NYT Magazine covergirl Emily Gould has already split up with Russian-born novelist and n+1 editor Keith Gessen. Otherwise, they'd be in trouble! Out now in their new issue is Gould's profile of Russian-American writers—including Gessen.

No disclaimer about the author-subject relationship, whatever it was at the time of writing, is mentioned. We reported on this earlier via a tipster who said the magazine was "furiously scrubbing the story of all mentions of Keith Gessen. Which were, of course, numerous, laudatory and unencumbered with disclaimers."

Gessen is still included in the profile, and as for the lack of disclaimer, "the material didn't warrant any, did it? We're just happy to watch authors get hotter than their subjects," said EIC Michael Idov. Don't push it, mate. "The joys of a quarterly production cycle," he added.
