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CENTURY SAN FRANCISCO CENTRE 9 — Where are the girls? An event producer and I both nervously paced through the lobby. Where was Marissa Mayer? The Google executive had rented a theater for the 8:50 screening of Sex and the City, but she and 300 of her closest friends were nowhere to be seen. Late, of course — have you tried to walk the block-long distance between Mayer's Four Seasons penthouse and the Westfield Centre in a pair of Manolo Blahniks? Finally, I spotted someone I knew — gorgeous Googler Brittany Bohnet, girlfriend of Facebooker Dave Morin, above. ("People are saying I look like Charlotte," said Bohnet, pictured above. "Do you think so?" Yes. Cuter than Charlotte, actually.

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AllThingsD's Kara Swisher also showed up with her Googler spouse, Megan Smith. "We're dressed as lesbians," said Swisher. (How was one supposed to tell the difference? Oh, right — usually Swisher's dressed like a soccer mom.)

Somewhere in the confusion, the event's producer thrust a ticket in my hand, and I walked into the screening. No sign of Marissa, though, who I'd heard was wearing a Pucci dress. Before I could spot her, the producer walked up the aisle to my seat. "Owen?" he asked? Yep, that's right — eighty-sixed again. I spotted Orkut Buyukkokten, Marissa's best gay friend, on my way out. Not that I minded getting booted, really — I hear the movie's not all that great. I was more interested in the trailer I saw for Mamma Mia — hey, Marissa, can you throw a screening for that, and invite me?

I'll leave you with one last pic of the moviegoers:

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