Well, it's almost here. The grim specter that's been threatening us ever since a young freckled girl did a screen test for The Parent Trap is within striking distance. Living Lohan, the reality show in which actress Lindsay's monster of a Mama Rose, Dina, drags other daughter Ali through showbiz hell is all set to premiere next month. "Ali just loves this business and, unfortunately, I have to manage her," Dina sighs in a preview clip of the show. She also gets on the horn about some "fake" photos of Lindsay (who, respectably, chose not to be involved with this in anyway) that ended up on the internet. Her lawyers will be contacted, she barks. Ali stands by and giggles oddly. And somewhere deep inside me, my soul falls down. Gurgle. Hope she'll do "Rose's Turn". Second encore, maybe! Brief, intolerable preview clip after the jump.