CBS! Catch the fever! Their nightly news program is exciting and revolutionary when it's edited all jumpy like this, isn't it? And outgoing anchor Katie Couric sure received a lot of praise from people whose names we can't read! Our favorite part of this new CBS promo (Katie just put it up on her YouTube channel!) is at a little more than 30 seconds in, when they play a brief clip from their interview with the man who grew his finger back with pixie dust. Remember him? What an inspiring tale! One man, against the odds, promotes his brother's biotech firm in news outlets across the world, all of whom are more than willing to cover a bullshit junk science story without doing even cursory research. A moment to be proud of, CBS. And they're clearly feeling cocky—CBS just bought CNET for $1.8 billion cash, "a substantial 45 percent premium to where the stock closed on Wednesday." [NYT, Soup Cans]