Your Brand Is Crap is a website with a deceptively simple idea: it shows you a brand's logo, and you enter the first word that comes to mind. Then it combines all the thousands of responses into a tag cloud, showing the overall consumer perception of each brand. Smart! So what great truths do these responses show, besides the fact that many people associate Adidas with "shoes?" They show that your brand is crap, stupid, and sucks! Corporate image gurus, take note:
Brands that are "Crap": Ford, H&M, Myspace, Mcdonald's, AT&T.
Brands that are "Stupid": Evian, Twitter, YouTube, MTV, Harley-Davidson.
Brands that are "Retarded": Skype, Microsoft, Twitter, MTV, London 2012.
Brands that are "Douchebag": Blackberry, Dodge, BMW, Puma, Corona
Brands that are "Suck": Yahoo, London 2012, Skype, HP, Microsoft